Marvel-Inspired Tarot Card Mini Set

This series of cards was created as a passion project for my trip to comic-con. It started off as brainstorming some creative things for Elizabeth Olsen to autograph. With her character being The Scarlet Witch, I decided to design a tarot card for the character. It was expanded into a mini-set of 10 cards due to printing minimums, but I really enjoyed the process and the outcome.

Each card is designed in a stained glass style with a unique border that references each character


Why The Scarlet Witch is the Empress

The Empress represents fertility, creativity, and the embodiment of nurturing and maternal energy.

  • Creation and Manifestation: The Scarlet Witch has reality-altering abilities that allow her to reshape and manipulate the fabric of existence. This power to create and manifest aligns with the creative energy and fertility represented by The Empress.

  • Maternal Instincts: The Empress is often associated with motherhood and nurturing qualities. In some storylines, The Scarlet Witch has been depicted as a mother figure, caring deeply for her children. The Empress embodies the nurturing and protective instincts that can be seen within The Scarlet Witch's character.

  • Connection to Nature: The Empress is linked to nature and the natural world. The Scarlet Witch has been shown to have a connection with the forces of nature and the elements in some interpretations. This connection reflects her affinity for the natural world and the powers she possesses.

  • Balance and Harmony: The Empress represents balance and harmony, nurturing both herself and those around her. While The Scarlet Witch has been portrayed with a complex and tumultuous nature, she has also sought balance and strived for harmony in her life and relationships.

The stained glass behind the character have reference the statue of the Scarlet Witch from Wundagore and the border includes witch symbols and the mind stone.

Why Spider-Man is the Hanged Man

The Hanged Man is the card of ultimate surrender, of being suspended in time and of martyrdom and sacrifice to the greater good.

  • Sacrifice and Selflessness: The Hanged Man represents surrendering one's own needs for the greater good and sacrificing personal desires. Spider-Man often puts the needs of others before his own, taking on the responsibility of being a hero and making sacrifices to protect his loved ones and the people of New York City.

  • Perspective and Alternative Thinking: The Hanged Man is associated with gaining a new perspective by seeing things from a different angle. Spider-Man's ability to swing through the city on his webs gives him a unique vantage point, allowing him to see situations from various angles and think outside the box when facing challenges.

  • Suspension and Adaptability: The Hanged Man signifies a state of suspension and surrendering control, teaching the value of adapting to circumstances beyond one's control. Spider-Man frequently finds himself in precarious situations, relying on his agility and adaptability to navigate through obstacles and overcome challenges.

  • Transformation and Growth: The Hanged Man represents a transformative experience and personal growth through surrender and self-reflection. Spider-Man has undergone significant character development throughout his stories, learning from his experiences and growing both as a hero and as Peter Parker.

The border includes things like a camera held up by webbing to reference Peter’s skill for taking hard-to-capture photos and his love for science is highlighted along the sides with aspects like the double helices.


Why Loki is the Fool

The Fool is traditionally depicted as a figure stepping off a cliff, often portrayed as a carefree individual with a sense of adventure and unpredictability.

  • Trickster Energy: Loki embodies the archetype of the trickster, constantly challenging the established order and bringing chaos and disruption. The Fool, with their unconventional behavior and refusal to adhere to societal norms, shares this mischievous energy.

  • Unpredictability: Both Loki and The Fool possess an element of unpredictability. They are not bound by conventions or expectations, and their actions can often surprise others. Loki's ever-changing nature and ability to shape-shift align with the unpredictable qualities of The Fool.

  • Journey and Transformation: The Fool is associated with new beginnings, embarking on a journey, and embracing change. Loki, in many stories, undergoes personal transformations and embarks on adventures that lead to growth and self-discovery. The Fool's journey can symbolize Loki's constant evolution and pursuit of new experiences.

  • Dual Nature: Loki, like The Fool, often displays a dual nature. The Fool carries both innocence and wisdom, reflecting their simultaneous naivety and insight. Loki similarly possesses a complex blend of light and dark qualities, sometimes acting as a benevolent figure and at other times as a disruptive force.

The border of the card includes design aspects that relate to the character like his scepter, the tesseract at the bottom, his helmet, and the double daggers.

Why Kate Bishop is the Page of Swords

The Page of Swords represents curiosity, intelligence, and the youthful energy of a messenger.

Curiosity and Learning: The Page of Swords embodies a thirst for knowledge, a curious nature, and a desire to learn and explore. Kate Bishop, as a skilled archer and detective, is constantly seeking to improve her skills, solve mysteries, and expand her understanding of the world. The card's curiosity and intellectual pursuits align with Kate Bishop's character.

Sharp Intellect and Analytical Skills: The Page of Swords is associated with mental agility, sharp intellect, and analytical thinking. Kate Bishop possesses exceptional investigative skills and deductive reasoning, making her a formidable detective. Her ability to think on her feet and strategize in challenging situations resonates with the card's emphasis on mental acuity.

Youthful Energy and Fearlessness: The Page of Swords carries a youthful, vibrant energy and fearlessness in the face of challenges. Kate Bishop, as a young superhero, displays courage, resilience, and a willingness to take risks to protect others. The card's representation of youthful energy aligns with Kate Bishop's spirited nature and her eagerness to make a difference.

Messenger and Advocate for Justice: The Page of Swords can symbolize being a messenger or an advocate for justice. Kate Bishop, as a superhero and member of the Young Avengers, fights for justice and champions the cause of the innocent. She uses her skills to protect the vulnerable and bring about positive change, similar to the card's representation of being an advocate for truth and fairness.


Why Iron Man is the Magician

The Magician represents mastery, resourcefulness, and the ability to harness one's willpower to manifest desired outcomes.

Ingenuity and Mastery: Iron Man, also known as Tony Stark, is known for his incredible intelligence, technological prowess, and ability to invent advanced suits and gadgets. The Magician symbolizes harnessing one's skills and talents to manifest desired results, reflecting Iron Man's mastery of technology and ingenuity.

Willpower and Determination: Iron Man possesses immense willpower and determination, which he uses to overcome challenges and protect others. The Magician represents the power of one's will and the ability to take decisive action, aligning with Iron Man's unwavering resolve.

Transformation and Adaptation: The Magician is associated with transformation and adaptability. Iron Man has gone through various transformations, both physically and emotionally, throughout his story arcs. From building his first suit to continually upgrading and adapting his armor, he embodies the spirit of transformation and evolution.

Balance of Power and Responsibility: The Magician card reminds us of the importance of using power responsibly. Iron Man, as a billionaire industrialist and superhero, grapples with the balance between the immense power he wields and the responsibility that comes with it. The Magician's symbolism reflects this balance of power and responsibility.

Why Captain America is the Chariot

The Chariot represents determination, willpower, and the ability to overcome obstacles through inner strength and self-control.

Willpower and Discipline: Captain America, also known as Steve Rogers, is known for his unwavering determination, discipline, and indomitable spirit. The Chariot embodies these qualities, representing the ability to stay focused, disciplined, and overcome challenges through sheer willpower.

Leadership and Control: The Chariot is associated with leadership and being in control of one's destiny. Captain America is often portrayed as a natural leader, guiding and inspiring others with his unwavering sense of justice and moral compass. The card's symbolism aligns with Captain America's leadership qualities.

Triumph Over Adversity: The Chariot signifies victory over obstacles and the ability to persevere through difficult circumstances. Captain America, a symbol of resilience and perseverance, has faced numerous challenges and adversities throughout his story, always emerging triumphant in the end.

Balance and Harmony: The Chariot represents the harmony of opposing forces and the ability to find balance. Captain America is known for his strong sense of ethics and his unwavering commitment to doing what is right, even in the face of conflicting ideologies. The card's symbolism reflects Captain America's pursuit of balance and justice.


Why Dr Strange is the Hierophant

The Hierophant represents knowledge, wisdom, and commitment to traditional values.

Spiritual Guidance and Wisdom: The Hierophant represents spiritual wisdom, guidance, and the connection to higher realms. Dr. Strange serves as a mentor and teacher of the mystic arts, guiding others in the realm of magic and imparting his knowledge and wisdom. The Hierophant's association with spiritual guidance resonates with Dr. Strange's role as the Sorcerer Supreme.

Traditional Knowledge and Ancient Wisdom: The Hierophant embodies traditional knowledge and ancient wisdom passed down through generations. Dr. Strange is often seen delving into ancient texts, learning from mystical masters, and studying ancient magical practices. The Hierophant's representation of traditional wisdom aligns with Dr. Strange's pursuit of ancient mystical arts.

Ritual and Ceremony: The Hierophant card is associated with formal rituals, ceremonies, and established systems of belief. Dr. Strange often engages in mystical rituals and incantations to tap into cosmic energies and manipulate reality. The Hierophant's connection to ritual and ceremony resonates with Dr. Strange's magical practices.

Balance Between Worlds: The Hierophant represents the bridge between the spiritual and earthly realms. Dr. Strange operates as a guardian of Earth, defending it against mystical threats while also exploring other dimensions and mystical realms. The Hierophant's symbolism of balancing different realms mirrors Dr. Strange's role in maintaining equilibrium between the mystical and mundane worlds.

Why Groot is the World

The World represents unity, interconnectedness, and the completion of a journey.

Unity and Connection: The World card symbolizes the interconnectedness of all beings and the recognition of a universal bond. Groot, with his ability to communicate through a single phrase ("I am Groot"), embodies the concept of unity and connection. He forms deep bonds with his fellow Guardians and demonstrates a selfless nature, always willing to protect and support his friends.

Cosmic Perspective: The World card often depicts a figure surrounded by cosmic symbols, representing a broad perspective and a sense of the larger universe. Groot, being part of the cosmic world within the Marvel Universe, has a deep connection to cosmic energies and the mystical aspects of the galaxy. The card's cosmic symbolism aligns with Groot's place in the broader cosmic narrative.

Completion of a Journey: The World card signifies the completion of a cycle or a significant journey. Groot's character arc has seen him undergo transformations, from a small twig to a towering tree-like being, and even sacrificing himself to protect his friends. He has experienced growth, transformation, and a deep sense of purpose, reflecting the completion of his own journey.

Nurturing and Life-Giving Energy: The World card represents a nurturing and life-giving force. Groot's ability to regenerate and heal, as well as his role in the ecosystem of his home planet, exemplifies the card's themes of nurturing and sustaining life.


Why Black Widow is the High Priestess

The High Priestess represents intuition, hidden knowledge, and the ability to navigate the realms of secrets and mystery.

Intuition and Insight: The High Priestess embodies deep intuition and inner wisdom. Black Widow is known for her exceptional observational skills, quick thinking, and ability to anticipate and analyze situations. She relies on her instincts and keen perception, much like The High Priestess, who is guided by her inner wisdom.

Secrets and Hidden Knowledge: The High Priestess is associated with secrets, hidden realms, and esoteric knowledge. Black Widow is a skilled spy who operates in the shadows, collecting valuable information and navigating complex webs of intrigue. The card's symbolism aligns with Black Widow's ability to uncover and understand hidden truths.

Feminine Power and Strength: The High Priestess represents the power of femininity and the strength derived from inner resolve. Black Widow embodies resilience, courage, and resourcefulness, often using her intelligence and strategic thinking to outmaneuver her adversaries. The card's representation of feminine power resonates with Black Widow's character.

Balance Between Light and Shadow: The High Priestess symbolizes the balance between light and shadow, conscious and unconscious. Black Widow walks a fine line between her past as a former assassin and her present as a hero, grappling with shades of gray in her morality. The card's theme of duality mirrors Black Widow's complex nature.

Why The Winter Soldier is the Five of Swords

The Five of Swords is associated with victory, potency, and ample preparation or confidence.

Conflict and Battles: The Five of Swords is associated with conflicts, battles, and the aftermath of struggle. The Winter Soldier is a character who has been involved in intense battles and conflicts throughout his history. His past as an assassin and his subsequent struggles with his identity and redemption are representative of the challenges depicted in the card.

Moral Ambiguity: The Five of Swords also represents moral ambiguity and the complexities of ethical choices. The Winter Soldier's history as a brainwashed assassin and his later quest for redemption exemplify the inner conflict and ethical dilemmas he faces. The card reflects the shades of gray in his actions and decisions.

Transformation and Growth: The Five of Swords can also signify a transformative process and growth through adversity. The Winter Soldier's journey involves confronting his past, facing the consequences of his actions, and striving for personal growth and redemption. The card symbolizes the transformative path he treads.

Resilience and Survival: The Five of Swords portrays resilience and the ability to endure challenging circumstances. The Winter Soldier's character embodies resilience as he survives traumatic experiences, confronts his demons, and continues to fight for what he believes is right. The card's depiction of resilience aligns with his enduring spirit.




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